we lost our beloved Louie as well as quite a few hens to the many predators that we now live with,
we tried our hand at ducks and decided it wasn't for us and a few other incidents. But overall, 2016 left me very thankful and happy to have experienced what life threw at me.
The twinadoes successfully started kindergarten, and I, well.... after many tears and breakdowns released my grip on them and let them go. It took a few weeks to adjust, but now we are all enjoying this new adventure. I can't believe how much they have changed in the three months since they started. Thing 2 really shows the changes, her vocabulary, her behavior, yowza!
For me, I went on my first job interview in about 15 years. I didn't get the job but I did feel pleased that I did it. After the rough first few weeks of kindergarten for Thing 1 I can now see it as a blessing that I didn't get that job, he needed me a lot more than any employer ever would. So thankful that I could be there and not have to worry about telling an employer that my son needs me. Finally unpacked the last of the boxes from moving, and even got rid of a bunch of stuff (still more to get rid of....). Added more power tools to my collection and learned how to use them. I'm getting to the point where I feel confident that I will be able to really start making some cool stuff this coming year. Tested new vegetables in the garden, some successes some failures, and have a good idea for the next one.
Mr. Housewife has been so helpful in my adventures at home. Building me little things I request for the garden and hens. Supporting my crazy ideas and sometimes adding on to them.
He even bought a chainsaw to cut down some trees that were hindering my secret garden space. Those little trees led to a few others which led to some really neat craft ideas that use cut logs.
This year as been a good one.... The Drunken Breeder and I became friends, went on some fun mini vacations,
met my beloved Ina Garten at a book signing (isn't she lovely?), ate amazing food and overall had a wonderful time.
What will 2017 bring? I have no clue. Hopefully more fun, love, good times, adventures, eggs, a new rooster and..... who knows. What I will shoot for is good health and happiness for my family and others. Wishing you all a prosperous, happy, healthy and adventurous new year!!
HAPPY 2017!!!!!