Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tiered Garden Planter

Last week Mrs. Metalhead , the Homesteading Mama and I went to the Northwest Flower and Garden Show, and it was amazing.  There were so many cool things, came home with a few but mostly got ideas for making later.  Truly, I wish I was more artistic and creative but I'm just not so I have to get inspired by others.  If I were a bajillionaire I would have just went wildly up and down the rows pointing saying "that, that, definitely that and all of those".  But I'm not. 

Today with the winds blowing wildly I decided it was a perfect day to do a little creative gardening and make a tiered garden planter like one I had seen at the garden show.  One big difference...mine cost about $12 and theirs was around $80.

I scored this hanging basket for free on one of the sell/give away sites on Facebook, however, I also have picked these up at garage sales for a couple dollars at most.

The twinadoes and I went foraging in the woods and found this moss growing all over logs, it came off in blankets so it was perfect for lining the baskets.  And in case you were wondering, the forest I'm referring to is my yard, so no I didn't steal.

Next I put a little potting soil on top of the moss, but didn't fill too much because I still had to add flowers.
I used these super adorable pansies and johnny jump ups, they were the perfect size and I absolutely love them.  I also love that they will spread like crazy and you end up with tons of them the next year.  Place the flowers in the baskets then fill in with dirt.  Also  you can either tuck in the excess moss or trim it off.  I actually did a little of both.

Is this not adorable? In all, it took about 15 minutes to construct, not including the time to forage the moss.  I'm hoping to make a few more things that are like what I saw at the garden show that have a lot of chicken wire....  stay tuned!

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