Saturday, March 12, 2016

Spring is Coming!

We've almost been in Awesome Opossum one year, and what I remember was the three months of non-stop rain.  So far it's not any different....sigh....  However, I do have my greenhouse that I'm making use.  I purchased a foldable table to put more grow lights in there so the larger seedlings can be moved.
This table will be filled with seedlings soon

Last fall I really wanted to get in there and do a deep clean, but time got away from me and I didn't.  What I did manage to do was get the Meyer lemon trees out that were covered in mold.  No matter what I tried I just couldn't get rid of it and it was starting to spread.  They are now on the bottom porch, I'm still trying to decide what in the heck to do with them.  I really want to try and get them healthy and I'm hoping that one of the people at the local nursery will be able to help.

The fig trees are looking great, they will be ready to head outside in a few weeks.  They will get transferred into nicer pots for a few years before they go in the ground just to make sure they can survive the winter.  This method worked great for the fig tree I had to leave behind at my last house.

My kaffir lime trees are doing great and they are making the greenhouse smell amazing.  When I went back to see if they had any more of them (like I really need any more) she said they sold out that week and she wouldn't be able to get more.  Next year she is going to order more.

Then the lemongrass..... thanks to the greenhouse this is the first time I've been able to winter it over.  I will definitely be starting more of this the next time I get some from the Asian market.

The lemon verbena did great as well.  I have about 4 pots of it that will just keep getting bigger. 

Last year was our first growing season in Awesome Opossum, we had only been here a few months, brought home a bunch of chickens and had to build all the soil up from pretty much nothing.  This year we are more settled, the chickens are locked up and I've got quite the compost pile to add to soil I'm bringing in.  It's going to be a good growing year, the greenhouse is going to make it even better. 

This greenhouse was a huge selling point for this house.  I saw it and instantly knew I had to grow things inside, I'm thankful that my wish came true....

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