Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Week Two of no Spending

Changes have been made to include home items that are not necessary, and that's been a tough one.  I love picking up items that I think are interesting or cool, or a good deal.  But in the words of Mr. Housewife, "a good deal that ends up just creating clutter is not a good deal".  He is right.....  I've actually been really good about not buying those items, only once when I found some outdoor lanterns on sale.

This week the goal is to try and cut back on grocery spending without really anyone noticing.  Considering we have a full pantry and freezer I don't think it will be too difficult.  Shopping without the twinadoes will be the key to that.  Their little hands just start grabbing like they are on some kind of television contest that's timed.  Yeesh....

One activity we did not do this week was go to any garage sales.  Thing 1 and I love going, but there's nothing we NEED at a garage sale.  It surprised me how easy it was to explain to him we weren't going to find any this week.  He understood and only grumbled a little.  Yay!!!

Hopefully next week I'll have made more progress and really start seeing some results in this no spending thing.

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