Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Plant a Garden Share the Wealth

Since I was quite young I've always had a garden.  Never anything super large, just your average backyard garden with the usual suspects, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and beans.  As I have gotten older I find my garden getting bigger, it's such a fun activity for me.  Growing vegetables, knowing exactly how they are grown and then being able to share the bounty, that's what gardening is all about.

Since moving to Awesome Opossum I started a Facebook page for gardeners in my area, I've actually met some really nice people through it and learned a lot about this particular growing zone.  One of the suggestions I put out there was for people to share, share seeds, seedlings, vegetables and of course knowledge.  People laugh when they see how many seeds I plant and ask what in the world will I do with all of them, share them, that's what I will do.

At my previous home I turned my formal dining room into my gardening room, it was a tad crazy. I had grow lights going to the point I had a police officer peek in my dining room window one day.  But all those seedlings eventually found their way into my garden or those of my friends.  Seed packets give you way more than one average person will ever use, so sharing just seems like an obvious choice.

This year I'm scaling way back, but I'm still growing extras to share with the people in my community.  My hope is that others will do the same.

This year's seedlings are well on their way, with more to come.  In fact, just this morning I planted my cucumbers, more seeds will be planted in the coming days.  In a few weeks when they are nice and strong and the last expected frost date has passed I will host a seedling swap where I will invite people to come and do just as the name suggests, swap seedlings.

As the weather warms up I encourage you to get outside and do some gardening, or even start some seeds indoors and get a jump on the growing.  When you have extra, share.


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