Friday, July 29, 2016

Going Back to Work...

Last week I went on my first interview in a million years (yes being dramatic).  It was so strange, I wasn't nervous it was more like a hesitancy, kind of hard to explain.  Why did I go on an interview?  The twinadoes are starting all day kindergarten in little over a month which means I'll have all day without them.  Yes, I could sit around and lounge, watch tv, play with chickens, etc.... however, there is an opportunity that *might* be presenting itself to add on to Purple Pastures.  If I went back to work I would be contributing to this new adventure, and I like that idea especially since it's pretty much me spearheading it.

Unfortunately, I did not get this particular job, they gave it to a person that already had it but left for a bit and wanted to return.  Am I bummed?  Maybe a little, but I'm one of those people that believes everything happens for a reason.  I'm not meant to have that job.  There will be another one that is better for me or maybe it's just not my time to head back to the workplace, I really don't know at this point.

What I do know is my twinadoes are going to start school soon and everything will be changing.  I also know that I want to do more than sit around waiting for them to come home.  This opportunity that might happen is something I'm super excited about, and of course I'll share more if it becomes a reality.

For now I'll keep my eye out for jobs that interest me and work for my situation.  I think when I find the right one I won't feel so on the fence and I'll be more on the side of feeling more confident that it's the right time to head back to work. 

Other mothers will surely tell me I'm not alone in feeling guilty for wanting to head back, I had a little breakdown myself.  I was so conflicted that if I was excited to be working did that mean I was slighting my children.  Was I not doing my full mom job, cheating my children?  Of course I'm not, but when you've been home with them their entire lives and it's what they are used to it's hard to not feel like I'm being a bit selfish.  Thing 1 asked me what will happen if they need me during the day, will he be left at the school with nobody to come for him.  Insert crying....

How do moms make the important decision to go back to work?  How do you deal with the guilt?  Please enlighten me, someone!!!

Garden Pictures

This morning I decided to snap a few pictures in the garden after I let the ladies out.  There was a lot of growth in the time we were away at the beach......

Not only did the flowers grow, but so did Nina's baby.....

I love this path, was never meant to be one but it just evolved and we really like it.

I don't know how well they work anymore, but I still keep all the owls out because they add character.  Originally they were meant to scare flying predator from the hens.

I just can't stop adding flowers and plants to this area.... each time I think I'm done I add "just one more".

The one area that I've left pretty much untouched is around the little pond, I think it looks nice all green and natural.

As usual, Louie flew out of the chicken run to walk with me in the morning.  I just love this guy!

My beans are finally growing!!!  Had to start them three times!!!

I planted this watering can with kenilworth ivy a few weeks ago, look how nicely it's grown in.

How are your gardens coming along?  Picking any vegetables or flowers?

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Eating On Vacation

The past four days the family and I were at the ocean staying in this really cute little cabin.  Of course I brought snacks, but I figured we would eat out most of the time since we were on vacation.  Well.... the first night there we pick a restaurant that got pretty good reviews on Yelp and had a full parking lot.  Uh, not sure if we just got an off night or what but it was horrible.  Most of the food was left uneaten and when the waitress asked if there was a problem I decided to speak up.  Normally I would just say "oh we are full" or some other random excuse, but not tonight.  She did feel bad and ended up taking the appetizer off the bill, but the rest we paid for.  When we got back to the cabin I told Mr. Housewife we were not eating out again, that I would be heading to the little local grocery store to pick up food for the next few days to cook in the cabin.

Not only did we have meals we liked but we saved money as well.  Yes, that's a no brainer, cook for yourself, make what you like and not pay the extra money to have someone else cook it for you. 

For breakfast I made egg, cheese and ham sandwiches.  They were really easy and tasted wonderful, it helps that I had packed eggs from home.

One of our dinners was pork loin, mashed potatoes, zucchini (brought from my garden) and a side salad.

I did some improvisation and made chicken parmesan using mozzarella cheese sticks, yes, it was a tad odd, but not bad.

I made a few other meals that were on the same page as these, fairly basic and quick.  Next time I will definitely plan ahead and bring groceries and not run to the local store that doesn't have the normal food we eat.  But overall it was so much better than eating out and wasting $150 each time we ate only to not like the food.  I spent less than one meal's worth on all the groceries I purchased. 

Not only did we save money and have food we liked but the kids were so much happier not having to go out every time we wanted to eat.  We could go to the beach and not worry about getting all cleaned up and hunting for a place we thought looked good. Brilliant I tell ya!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Pickled Eggs, and then some....

Oh my goodness, I think I have found my new favorite snack.  It's been over a year since I made pickled eggs and clearly I had forgotten how amazing they are.  Of course I had to look up a recipe, and found hundreds, so in usual Real Housewife fashion I did a combo of a few to get the results I wanted. 

For one, there are no beets in this recipe, but I did use beet powder to get the red color, totally optional of course.  Also, most recipes either called for white or apple cider vinegar, well I used both.  I only did one dozen to make sure it was going to be something I liked, and it was.

For the Recipe:
12 boiled eggs
1 red onion, cut into rings
12 radishes, cut into slices (not too thin)
1 1/2 c. white vinegar
1 1/2 c. apple cider vinegar
1 c. sugar
2 tbsp. kosher salt
1 tbsp. beet powder (optional)
3 garlic cloves, smashed
1 heaping tbsp. coriander seeds
1 heaping tbsp. peppercorns (I used the rainbow mix, but you could use plain black)
1 tbsp. fennel seeds
1-3 hot peppers, depending on how spicy you like it (jalepeno, cayenne, serrano, whatever you have)

I used a quart jar for these and it fit great. 

Put a four eggs in the jar, then 1/3 of the onion rings, and lastly 1/3 of the radishes.  Repeat two more times and set in the fridge.  In a saucepan heat the remaining ingredients (except for the 1 cup of ice water) until they come to a simmer.  Take off the heat and let steep for 10 minutes.  Cool the mixture with 1 cup of ice water. 

When cool, pour over the eggs, onions and radishes, put back in the fridge.  Let sit for at least 6 hours, overnight is definitely best.  I totally get how people can't stop eating these, I had to try them a couple hours after I made them, they were good but really taste better after sitting overnight.


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Week Two of no Spending

Changes have been made to include home items that are not necessary, and that's been a tough one.  I love picking up items that I think are interesting or cool, or a good deal.  But in the words of Mr. Housewife, "a good deal that ends up just creating clutter is not a good deal".  He is right.....  I've actually been really good about not buying those items, only once when I found some outdoor lanterns on sale.

This week the goal is to try and cut back on grocery spending without really anyone noticing.  Considering we have a full pantry and freezer I don't think it will be too difficult.  Shopping without the twinadoes will be the key to that.  Their little hands just start grabbing like they are on some kind of television contest that's timed.  Yeesh....

One activity we did not do this week was go to any garage sales.  Thing 1 and I love going, but there's nothing we NEED at a garage sale.  It surprised me how easy it was to explain to him we weren't going to find any this week.  He understood and only grumbled a little.  Yay!!!

Hopefully next week I'll have made more progress and really start seeing some results in this no spending thing.

Teaching a Lesson with Eggs....

When my ladies are laying well we get 15+ eggs a day, more than we need.  It's so fun collecting the eggs and letting the twinadoes help, then counting them to see how many we have.  But with that many being laid they add up quick, and before you know it you have ten dozen eggs.  When I see an excess I simply post them for free on my local Facebook page, and within minutes they are all claimed.  There are also people that post their eggs, but for a price, usually $5 for a dozen.  Could I sell my eggs?  Of course I could, but I choose not to.

The ladies feed costs about $30 per month, so really not that much, six dozen eggs would pay for that.  However, I use these eggs as a lesson for the twinadoes.  They've asked me why I don't sell the eggs and I tell them that we have a lot of eggs, more than we can use so it's nice to share.  Share and not expect anything in return, plain and simple.

The first couple of times I posted my free eggs I received a message telling me to sell my eggs, that giving them away for free might impact those that are selling theirs.  My response to that was I don't have such a large amount that it would really affect any egg selling business and if it did they might want to rethink their business plan because it's not working. 

These eggs have been the segue into them sharing other things with people, like their toys they no longer play with.  Last night we were discussing just this and the twinadoes were having a hard time, they were thinking we meant all their toys.  Mr. Housewife was explaining to them about sharing the toys they NO LONGER PLAY WITH and how that was the right thing to do.  And what does he use as an example?  My eggs!!  I almost melted.....

Don't get me wrong, I totally understand the people that sell their eggs to pay for the food out of necessity, and that is also a lesson we teach our children.  We are very fortunate, we have enough food to eat, a home to live, clothes on our back and a few extras that some people do not.  The twinadoes are learning that when you have more than enough to share, you should and to be thankful for what you do have.  Five is an interesting age.  They are seeing the differences in how people live. Why one of their friends lives in a small home and another in a big one.  Why one friend has every toy imaginable and five computers and the other has barely any. 

So the eggs have started them learning a very good lesson in sharing.  But that lesson has expanded to being thankful for what they have and understanding not everyone has the same as everyone else.  Yet another reason my ladies are the best, they don't just give us eggs, entertainment and bug control, they give us life lessons.  I have the best chickens ever!!!