Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Garden Update

Thank goodness winter is over and spring is finally here.  Even so, the rainy season has begun and if it's like last year will continue for about three months.  There will be a few days here and there where it stops and sometimes even be quite nice out, but for the most part it's pure rain.  That my friends is why I do a lot of indoor gardening.  I get a nice jump on the growing season and it helps satiate my gardening need.

This past weekend I picked up this cool growing box thing that is truly a neat little item.  I put my peppers and eggplants inside and even in the few short days since then they have grown quite a bit.

I've been moving a lot of the seedlings to the greenhouse so the inside growing table is looking a little bare.  But don't worry, it will be filling up again with the new seeds I'm hoping to get planted this morning.

The beans and peas are looking good.  A second batch was planted a few days ago so more will be coming.  I want to make teepees for them out of sticks I find on our property.  I love the look of the ones I've seen on Pinterest.

The parsley and cilantro are growing, though they've slowed down a bit.  My guess is the lights are just a tad to high, so I'll need to rearrange how I have all the seedlings to accommodate the shorter ones.

Look at my tomatoes!!  They are loving it in the greenhouse.  I seriously need to find another folding table to move them around.  There are some tomato seedlings inside that are struggling due to a little neglect, but I'm hoping that with some extra tlc they will bounce right back.

Not much happening in the yard.  I did sprinkle some flower seeds in random places as well as get more mint.  I had a big patch of it growing near in the front, but when we put in the chicken run they had to dig it up since it was in the direct path.  I saved some of it, but forgot about it until it was too late.... sigh....  I'm expecting things to really start growing around here in the next couple weeks and of course I'll share some of the pictures.

Off to get my hands dirty.....

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